Figure S2
Phenotypes of gene mutants that are enriched at specific times of MG differentiation. (a) slc45a5 controls have no observable MG phenotype. (b) timp2bmutants have defects in cell body position. (c) prmt6 mutants have defects in cell body position and ILM. (d) vwde mutants have defects in cell body position, OLM, ILM, IPL, OPL, and tiling. (e) apcdd1l mutants have defects in IPL and OPL. (f) sypb mutants have defects in OLM, OPL, and tiling. G) Cux2b mutants have defects in ILM and IPL. (h) cx31.7 mutants have defects in tiling. (i) Mpp6b mutants have defects in tiling. (j) cacnb2a mutants have defects in tiling. (h) Percentages of individual phenotypes observed in all animals from this screen. Dashed lines represent levels of significance from Fisher's exact test after Boniforni multiple test correction (bottom = p < 0.05, top = p < 0.001). Scale bars = 8μm.