Fig. 4
Comparison of the regulatory activity of tunicate-specific and chordate-specific Hox5 and Otx T-CNE/CNE. (A-C) Comparable expression of M. occulta Hox5 T-CNE, C. robusta chordate-specific Hox5 CNE and D. rerio Hoxa5a CNE in the most anterior part of the tail neural tube (black arrowheads). MoccHox5 T-CNE shows a more restricted expression in a subdomain of CrHox5 and DrHox5CNEs at larva stage. (D-F) The tunicate-specific M. occulta Otx T-CNE (D), and the chordate-specific C. robusta Otx CNE-A (E) and CNE-B (F) show a similar expression profile in the ventral part of the sensory vesicle (black arrows). (G,H) The tunicate-specific OdOtx T-CNE reproduces almost the same expression profile of the chordate-specific DrOtx CNE-B in the posterior sensory vesicle and in the neural axons along the visceral ganglion. Black/white arrowheads and arrows indicate the corresponding conserved territories of expression. Asterisks indicate ectopic expression in the mesenchyme. A-F,H: lateral view; G, dorsal view. Anterior is on the left.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 448(2), Ambrosino, L., Vassalli, Q.A., D'Agostino, Y., Esposito, R., Cetrangolo, V., Caputi, L., Amoroso, A., Aniello, F., D'Aniello, S., Chatzigeorgiou, M., Chiusano, M.L., Locascio, A., Functional conserved non-coding elements among tunicates and chordates, 101-110, Copyright (2018) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.