Figure 2

Figures for Baker et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Figure 2

Zebrafish-specific Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) antibody marks glia in the central nervous system. Maximum intensity projection confocal stack in (A) whole-mount immunofluorescence preparation of a 3 dpf larval fish showing GFAP+ cells in the hindbrain (Hb) and midbrain (Mb), scale bar: 100 microns, E: eye. (BD) Maximum intensity projections of transverse cryosections of 18 dpf larvae at the level of the foregut (B), midgut (C) and hindgut (D) mark radial glia throughout the spinal cord (SC). LL: lateral line, NC: notochord, M: skeletal trunk muscle, scale bar: 50 microns.

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