Fig. 9

Figures for Hayward et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. 9

Glucocorticoid transcriptional activity is localized in hair cells. (Red = HCs labeled with anti-parvalbumin (parv). Green = GFP (with signal enhanced by anti-GFP), indicative of GR transcriptional activity). (A) Glucocorticoid transcriptional activity occurs in some hair cells of untreated fish (GFP+/parv+, white arrow). (B) Glucocorticoid transcriptional activity occurs in many hair cells of cortisol-treated fish (GFP+/parv+, white arrows), and in supporting cells (GFP+/parv-, white arrowhead). Scale bar = 10 μm and applies to all panels. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)


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Reprinted from Hearing Research, 377, Hayward, T., Young, A., Jiang, A., Crespi, E.J., Coffin, A.B., Glucococorticoid receptor activation exacerbates aminoglycoside-induced damage to the zebrafish lateral line, 12-23, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Hear. Res.