Fig. S5
Brain development in Qdprb1 hypomorphic embryos.
(A) Lateral views, anterior to the left of 72 hpf embryos. Qdprb1 knock down does not affect development of for instance motor neurons (left) and lateral line organ (right) in tg(NBT/lyn:GFP) transgenic zebrafish (red arrows). (B) Lateral views, anterior to the left and (C) dorsal views with anterior to the left at 26 hpf stained for wnt1 (B) and otx2 (C) expression show unchanged expression patterns but reduced size of the positively stained region upon qdprb1knockdown. (D) Z-stacks of DAPI (pink) and pH3 (green) staining of the optic tectum reveals an increase of proliferating cells in 72 hpf Qdprb1 hypomorphic embryos.