Fig. 5
Solo F–OH shows a potent antiangiogenic effect in vivo. (A) Representative photographs of chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay testing Solo F–OH. Negative control condition containing vehicle (DMSO) and positive control condition containing aeroplysinin-1 (3 nmol/CAM) were used in the assay. Circles show the locations of the methyl cellulose discs. (B) Representative photographs of ZFYM assay. The response of subintestinal vessels of zebrafish embryos to fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2)-induced angiogenesis in the presence of Solo F–OH was evaluated. Zebrafish embryos were stained for alkaline phosphatase activity. Dashes lines delimit a subintestinal vessels basket; arrowheads point to the FGF-2 injection site, and asterisks mark the angiogenic response to FGF-2.