Fig. S1
tet2/3DM Larvae Show Neuronal but not Cardiac Defects at 28 hpf. Related to Figure 1.
(A) Markers of cardiac progenitors are similarly expressed in wildtype, sibling and tet2/3DM larvae. WISH forgata4 was performed at 18 hpf, nkx2.5 was performed at 22-hpf, atrial myosin marker myh6 and myosin marker myh7 were performed at 28-hpf. Scale bar: 100 μm. DM
(B) Gene ontology (GO) analysis shows top ten down-regulated biological pathways in 28-hpf tet2/3 larvae by RNA sequencing.
(C) Heatmap of RNA sequencing data illustrating similar transcriptional expression of cardiac genes in tet2/3(DM) compared with wildtype (WT) or sibling (Sib) larvae.