Fig. 5
Adult zebrafish with pan-endothelial expression of Bmpr1aap.R438H have smaller AV valves. (A) Fluorescence microscopy image of an adult zebrafish heart (ventral view). Circle indicates the position of the AV valve. (B,C) Confocal z-stack maximum intensity projection of adult AV valves of zebrafish with (B) Tg(fli1a:Gal4FF)ubs3; Tg(UAS:bmpr1aaWT_IRES_EGFP)md65; Tg(7xTCF-Xia.Sia:NLS-mCherry)ia5 or (C) Tg(fli1a:Gal4FF)ubs3; Tg(UAS:bmpr1aap.R438H_IRES_EGFP)md60; Tg(7xTCF-Xia.Sia:NLS-mCherry)ia5. The interrupted line indicates the AV valve annulus. This valve annulus surrounds the edge of the valve leaflets marked by TCF expression and occurs in the confocal images as a black ring. The area bounded by the AV valve annulus was measured to quantify the valve size. The AV valve measurement technique is further explained in Supplementary Fig. S4. Scale bar = 50 µm. (D)Scatter plot of the AV valve area measurements. Adult zebrafish overexpressing Bmpr1aap.R438H show a significant reduction in AV valve area [total number of embryos analysed: bmpr1aaWT, n = 12; bmpr1aap.R438H, n = 13; ANCOVA, F(1, 22) = 10.73; **p = 0.003].