Fig. S5
Injected zCNTF increases mitosis in the uninjured zebrafish heart. (a) Immunofluorescence staining of ventricular sections of the transgenic fish cmlc2:DsRed2-nuc (red) with antibodies against phospho-Histon H3 (pH3, green) of an intact heart at 7 dpi with zCNTF. The middle panel represents the higher magnification of the framed area in the left panel. The image on the right side shows a mitotic CM. Orthogonal projections along the yellow planes demonstrate a dividing CM. (b) Quantification of pH3-positive CM at 7 dpi with hIgG and zCNTF. n ≥ 8 hearts, 5 sections per heart each. * P<0.05 with student’s t-test.