Fig. 3
Presence of a competitive promoter modulates reporter expression by the RH2-LCR and RH2 upstream elements. a-f Schematic representations of constructs with the RH2-LCR and double promoter-reporter sets are depicted at the top. RH2-LCR is represented as a red rectangle. The GFP and RFP reporters are represented as green and magenta arrows, respectively. The upstream sequences used to drive the reporters are indicated below. The lower panels are transverse sections of retinas from the adult transgenic fish with the respective constructs. The middle and right panels are fluorescence from the first and second reporters, respectively. The left is the overlay of the middle and right panels with DIC images of the same retina. The GFP signals appear as green and the RFP signals appear as magenta. Note that the signal in the right panel of (f) is autofluorescence from the retinal pigment epithelium as evident in the overlaid image. The dorsal side is at the top, and the ventral side is at the bottom. Scale bars = 100 µm