Fig. S1
MO-induced phenotypes recapitulate PCP-mutants at 54 hpf (a, b–d, f–h, j, k, m–o, q–s) Embryos at 54 hpf. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of wnt5bex6 morphants (b) and wnt5bta98 mutants (c), wnt11ATG morphants (f) and wnt11tx226 mutants (g), wnt5bex6; wnt11ATG double morphants (j) and wnt5bta98; wnt11tx226 double mutants (k), fzd7a5’UTR morphants (m) and fzd7ae3 mutants (n) and vangl2ATG morphants (q) and vangl2m209 mutants (r) compared to wild type embryos (a). Blinding experiments reveal 100% consistency of the phenotype (chosen and encrypted by person 1) with the genotype (carried out by person 2) for wnt5bta98 mutants (e, left), wnt5bta98; wnt11tx226 double mutants (l, left), fzd7ae3 mutants (p, left) and vangl2m209 mutants (t, left); and 94% consistency for wnt11tx226 mutants (i, left) from a blinded mix of siblings and mutants. The penetrance of the respective mutant phenotypes is recorded with 30% for wnt5bta98 mutants (e, middle), 10% for wnt11tx226 mutants (i, middle), 5% for wnt5bta98; wnt11tx226 double mutants (l, middle), 24% for fzd7ae3 mutants (p, middle) and 23% for vangl2m209 mutants (t, middle). To prove usage of the optimal dose of MO that does not lead to off-target effects the phenotype of individual MO-knockdowns was compared to MO-injections in the mutants: wnt5bex6 morphants (91% phenotype) with wnt5bex6 MO in wnt5bta98 mutants (d, 95% phenotype); wnt11ATG morphants (33% phenotype) with wnt11ATG MO in wnt11tx226 mutants (h; 46% phenotype); fzd7a5’UTR morphants (81% phenotype) with fzd7a5’UTR MO in fzd7ae3 mutants (o; 77% phenotype) and vangl2ATG morphants (91% phenotype) with vangl2ATG MO in vangl2m209 mutants (s; 83% phenotype). Means±s.d.. Ordinary two-way ANOVA. Reported P values are multiplicity adjusted for each comparison. Uncapitalized n represents number of embryos.