Fig. 7
C9orf72 model zebrafish display muscle atrophy and motor neuron loss. (a) Representative H&E staining of zebrafish epaxial muscle (body muscle) myotomes. Scale bar?=?50 ?m. (b) Frequency distribution of 2.2?2 and NTG myotome sizes. N?=?6 individual zebrafish per genotype. (c) Motor neuron counts show that 2.2?7 zebrafish have significant motor neuron loss compared to NTG. N?=?6 individual fish per genotype. (d) Representative H&E staining of zebrafish spinal cord sections, motor neurons are denoted by arrowheads. Scale bar?=?25 ?m. Myotome size data are shown as the frequency of myotome sizes binned into defined ranges, motor neuron count data are mean +/? standard deviation; *P?<?0.05, **P?<?0.01, ***P?<?0.001 and ****P?<?0.0001