Fig. 4
Defects of heme-iron recycling in kidney macrophages of Hrg1 DKO zebrafish.
(A) qRT-PCR of hrg1a and hrg1b to quantify mRNA expression in the kidney, spleen and liver from control (non-PHZ treated) and 1-day post PHZ-treatment samples. Three adult zebrafish were pooled as one cohort, and three cohorts were repeated as biological triplicates. * p<0.05. (B) IHC staining of Hrg1 proteins in sections from the kidney, spleen and liver of adult zebrafish. (C) DAB-enhanced perl?s iron staining of kidney sections from Tü and hrg1 DKO zebrafish with control (non-PHZ), 1 day, 2 days and 3 days post PHZ-treatment. (D) O-dianisidine staining of kidney sections from Tü and hrg1 DKO zebrafish with control (non-PHZ), 1 day, 2 days and 3 days post PHZ-treatment. Scale bar: 20?m.