Fig. 4
4.1Ba knockdown causes kinetic differences during touch-evoked coiling.
(A) Example of touch-evoked coiling in Ctl MO, 4.1Ba MO, and 4.1Ba Rescue embryos at 26 hpf. The time series depicts the full response used in our analysis to quantify the latency, L, and velocity, V, of C-bend responses. 4.1Ba knockdown increased the latency (B) and decreased the velocity (C) of C-bend responses which was rescued with 4.1Ba and 4.1Bb RNA. (D) Correlation of touch-evoked response duration, defined as the latency plus time in motion, with synapse number for Ctl MO, 4.1Ba MO, 4.1Ba mRNA, and 4.1Ba and 4.1Bb rescues. (E) Latency and (F) velocity for touch-evoked coiling after inhibition of NMDA receptors with MK-801. No additive effect was seen when 4.1Ba was knocked down and NMDA receptors were inhibited. N = 30 per condition for each experiment. Data represents three separate experiments normalized to 1 and evaluated with a one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey?s post-hoc analysis. Error bars represent s.e.m. * p < 0.05. Abbreviations: Ctl MO = control morpholino; 4.1Ba MO = 4.1Ba morpholino; 4.1Ba Rescue = 4.1Ba MO + 4.1Ba mRNA; 4.1Bb Rescue = 4.1Ba MO + 4.1Bb mRNA.