Fig. 2
Secreted Fgf10a from the Front Diffuses to the Back of the Primordium
(A) Top left, immunostaining of intracellular Fgf10a-GFP in the primordium. Top right, Fgf10a-GFP only. Arrows indicate intracellular Fgf10a-GFP accumulating at the apical constrictions near the midline of the primordium. Middle and lower left, live image of Fgf10a-GFP and secGFP, respectively, with membrane marker. Middle and lower right, false coloring of Fgf10a-GFP and secGFP signal, respectively. Arrows indicate Fgf10a-GFP and secGFP signal in microlumen, and the arrowhead indicates Fgf10a-GFP in a patch surrounding an apical constriction before microlumen formation. Scale bar represents 100 ?m.
(B) Schematic of Fgf10a protein production and transport into the microlumina in the primordium.
(C) Live images of microluminal Fgf10a-GFP with membrane marker and false coloring of Fgf10a-GFP signal only in the embryos of indicated genotype. Arrows indicate Fgf10a-GFP signal in microlumina, and the arrowheads (left) indicate Fgf10a-GFP-producing central cells adjacent to the microlumen. Central cells are missing in embryos injected with atoh1a morpholino (right). Scale bar represents 10 ?m.
(D) Schematic representation of the mosaic analysis.
(E) Overview of mosaic primordium with cells of indicated genotypes on the left. Square indicates enlarged region shown on the right. Single slice of a z stack from Video S3 is shown. Scale bar represents 25 ?m. Close up of forming neuromast on the right. Maximum x,y projection of z stack shown in Video S3 on the top right and maximum x,z projection of z stack shown in Video S3 on the bottom right. Scale bar represents 5 ?m for x,y dimension and 10 ?m for z dimension. Arrows indicate Fgf10a-GFP in microlumen, arrowhead indicates donor-derived lateral line nerve underneath the primordium, and double arrowhead indicates donor-derived skin cell on top of primordium. Three primordia with Fgf10a-GFP secreting cells in the front and 5 primordia with non-Fgf10a-GFP secreting cells in the front were analyzed.
See also Figure S2 and Videos S2 and S3.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 46(6), Wang, J., Yin, Y., Lau, S., Sankaran, J., Rothenberg, E., Wohland, T., Meier-Schellersheim, M., Knaut, H., Anosmin1 Shuttles Fgf to Facilitate Its Diffusion, Increase Its Local Concentration, and Induce Sensory Organs, 751-766.e12, Copyright (2018) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell