Fig. 5
Id1 and Id3 are expressed in prospective lateral/ventral mesoderm at early somite stages in vivo, and are induced by BMP in NMPs in vitro.
(A) In situ hybridisation for Id1 and Id3 in wholemount (i) and sections (ii) showing Id1 and Id3 expression restricted to the posterior (labelled 'Post.') and lateral (labeled 'Lat.') regions of the primitive streak. Id1/3 are not detected in the anterior primitive streak (labeled 'Ant'). Lines in (i) indicate the plane of section. Arrows in (ii) indicate regions of expression in the posterior lateral regions of the primitive streak. (B) In vitro differentiation protocol. (C) Id1 mRNA is expressed in response to BMP4 but not FGF2 during differentiation of NMP in culture (D) an Id1-Venus reporter is activated in response to BMP4 but not FGF2 during differentiation of NMP in culture (E) Immunofluorescence for indicated markers during differentiation of NMP in culture: expression of MEOX1 is mutually exclusive from expression of ID1-Venus, and is suppressed by addition of BMP4.