Fig. 6
Id1 GOF drives differentiation of lateral mesoderm at the expense of paraxial mesoderm.
A: Differentiation protocol. B: Immunofluorescence detection for the Flag epitope in Flag-Id1 inducible EpiSC indicates that addition of dox induces Flag-ID1 in a subset of cells. C: qPCR to detect Id1 mRNA in the absence and presence of dox in Flag-Id1 inducible EpiSC. D: qPCR to detect the indicated mesoderm markers in Flag-Id1 inducible EpiSC the absence and presence of dox: data from two independent clonal lines is shown. D: Immunofluorescence detection of indicated markers: induction of Id1 suppresses expression of MEOX1, recapitulating the effect of adding BMP4.