Fig. S2
Migration of the PLM and vascular cord formation is normal in SB morphants.
WISH was performed on embryos injected with SB MO and their uninjected siblings to investigate migration of the PLM and formation of the vascular cord. We analyzed fli1a, a gene actively expressed in the PLM as well as in the fully formed vasculature, as well as kdrl, a marker strong in the fully formed vasculature. At 14 and 18 hpf, fli1a staining showed normal formation of the PLM and timely migration to the midline (A). At 26 hpf, the vascular cord and caudal hematopoietic tissue appear largely normal by both fli1a and kdrl staining; however, the intersomitic vessels seem to have some trouble sprouting dorsally (B). Numbers in the lower right-hand corner of each image depict the number of embryos with the phenotype pictured out of the total number of embryos assayed in each condition.