Fig. 9
The amino-terminal phosphorylation site on Myl9b is essential for definitive hematopoiesis.
(A) Maximum projection of Z-planes obtained from 40 hpf and 50 hpf embryos expressing either Myl9b-eGFP or Myl9bA2A3-eGFP under the control of the runx’1 + 23’ enhancer that allows expression in hematopoietic stem cells (see alsoFigure 9—figure supplement 1). White dotted lines delineate the embryo. Scale bars, 100 μm. (B) Quantification of the number of Myl9b-eGFP or Myl9bA2A3-eGFP positive cells in the AGM and CHT at 40 hpf or 50 hpf. Error bars represent mean values ± SEM. Unpaired t test (***) p<0.001; (****) p<0.0001 (n = 11 and n = 12 embryos; the data are representative of two independent experiments, both performed at 40 hpf and 50 hpf). (C–D) Maximum projection of Z-planes extracted from spinning-disk confocal TL sequences performed on 40 hpf Tg(kdrl:Ras-mCherry) embryos expressing the indicated forms of Myl9b-eGFP. Scale bars, 10 μm. Time is indicated in hr:min. (C) White arrowheads, cell debris resulting from bursting (see Figure 9—video 2). Similar phenotype was observed in three independent experiments. (D) White arrowheads, Myl9b-eGFP accumulation at the rear of a migrating cell (top panel) or at multiple cell extensions lacking Myl9bA2A3-eGFP accumulation (bottom panel). Similar phenotype was observed in four independent experiments. Yellow arrowhead, another migrating cell within the imaging field (see Figure 9—video 1).