Fig. S6
Rescue of the delayed dynamics of Wnt Fgf signaling systems in snail1b morphants by coinjection of snail1b mRNA. Expression of lef1 (A), pea3 (E), cxcr4b (I) and cxcr7b (M). lef1 (B) and cxcr4b (J) are expanded into the trailing domain (B), pea3 (F) and cxcr7b (N) are not well established in the trailing domain of snail1b-MO. Injection of snail1b mRNA along with snail1b- TB MO restores the expression patterns of lef1 (C), pea3 (G), and cxcr7b (O). However, restricted cxcr4b expression is not restored (K). Injected of snail1b mRNA alone does not have any obvious effect on these signaling systems (D, H, L, P).