Fig. 2
Altered Microglia Distribution and Numbers in the Adult csf1r Mutant Brain
(A) Representative images of microglia in WT, csf1ra?/?, csf1ra?/?;b+/?, and csf1rDM brain sections from zebrafish aged 5 months post fertilization (mpf), stained with antibody against L-plastin (n = 3 zebrafish/group).
(B) Microglia in (a) the ventral part of the optic tectum and (b) the dorsolateral part of the optic tectum of WT, csf1ra?/?, csf1ra?/?;b+/?, and csf1rDM.
(C) Representative images of microglia in WT, csf1ra?/?, and csf1rb?/? brain sections from 15 mpf zebrafish stained with antibody against L-plastin (n = 3 zebrafish/group).
Microglia were quantified in 3 areas (2.5 × 106 ?m3) per brain region per animal. Error bars represent SD. ?p < 0.05, ??p < 0.01, ???p < 0.001 (one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni multiple testing correction). Scale bars in (A) and (B), top, indicate 200 ?m; in (A) and (B), bottom, and in (C), scale bars indicate 50 ?m.