Fig. S5
inhibition of Erbb2 signaling at different larval stages leads to reduced cardiomyocyte proliferation.
(A-C') 96 hpf Tg(myl7:mVenus-gmnn); Tg(myl7:MKATE-CAAX) larvae after treatment with PD168393 from 72 to 84 hpf. Upon treatment, the overall number of proliferative cardiomyocytes in the ventricle is decreased (C), affecting both compact and trabecular layers (C'). Each point represents a heart. (D-F") 144 hpf Tg(myl7:mVenus-gmnn); Tg(myl7:MKATE-CAAX) larvae after treatment with PD 168393 from 96 to 108 hpf. The number of dividing cardiomyoctyes is reduced in the treated larvae (F), and the effect on the trabecular layer is more pronounced (F'). Each point represents a heart. (J-L') 144 hpf Tg(myl7:nlsDsRed) larvae after treatment with PD168393 from 96 to 108 hpf, and incubated with EdU in parallel. Immunostaining against heavy chain myosin and DsRed was performed to label membranes and cardiomyocyte nuclei, respectively. The percentage of EdU* cardiomyocytes is reduced (L). du to a lower proliferation rate in both myocardial layers (L'); each point represents a heart. Results are mean S.D., ****P<0.0001; **P=0.0018 in F', ***P=0.0005 in I, **P=0.0056 and **P=0.0034 in I', ***P=0.0005 in L, *P=0.034 and ***P=0.0002in L"; Students two-tailed t-test; experiment was repeated two times. Scale bars, 20 µm