Fig. 1

Figures for Than-Trong et al., 2018
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

Notch3 controls radial glia quiescence and stemness. (A-B) Detection of the three progenitor cell types of the pallial VZ in a wild-type 7?dpf larva. (C) Progenitors of the pallial VZ in a 7?dpf notch3?/? larva. (A,C) Double immunocytochemistry for the RG marker BLBP (green) and the proliferation marker PCNA (magenta) on a telencephalic cross-section (counterstained with DAPI). (A?,C?) High magnification of the areas boxed in A,C. qRG, green arrow; aRG, white arrow; aNPs, magenta arrow. (B) Schematic representation of the main neurogenic cascade in the post-embryonic pallium, with diagnostic markers. At least some RGs transit between the qRG and aRG states (Chapouton et al., 2010). N, neurons. (D) Total number of RGs (qRGs+aRGs) counted per 100?µm of VZ on cross-sections at mid-pallial levels. There is no significant difference between stages and between genotypes within the period considered. (E) Proportion of aRGs within the total RG population between 7?dpf and 10?dpf compared in wild-type and notch3?/? sibling larvae. *P<0.05 after Holm's correction, otherwise non-significant. (F) Total number of BrdU-positive RGs (qRGs+aRGs) counted per 100?µm of VZ on cross-sections at mid-pallial levels between 7?dpf (t0, no chase) and 10?dpf (3?days of chase), compared in wild-type and notch3?/? sibling larvae. (G,H) Proportion of the different neural cell types (qRGs, aRGs, aNPs, neurons) within the BrdU-positive population following BrdU pulse application at 7?dpf (t0, no chase) and after 1, 2 or 3?days of chase (i.e. with analyses at 8, 9 and 10?dpf, respectively), compared in wild-type (G) and notch3?/? (H) sibling larvae. Black lines and asterisks: statistics with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons. *P<0.05, **P<0.01. Red lines and asterisks: LSD test for comparisons between 2 and 3?days of chase. The proportion of aNPs decreases significantly and the proportion of neurons increases significantly, in notch3?/? mutants only (P=0.007 and P=0.002, respectively). Green asterisks: LSD test for comparisons between wild-type and notch3?/? at 3?days of chase. The proportion of neurons is significantly increased in notch3?/? mutants versus wild type (P=0.02). Scale bars: 10?µm in A,C; 20?µm in A?,C?. (D-F) n=6-11 telencephali per condition.

Figure Data
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