Fig. S1
Representative z-sections of an smFISH image and the gradual change in the angle of clock expression stripes, related to Figure 1
(A-E) Different z-sections of an smFISH image show the cell membrane (green), nuclear (DAPI) and merge images in a wild-type embryo, respectively. Images belong to sections 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 in z-axis, respectively. (F) Total her (her1+her7) RNA in each cell and the position of each cell are plotted for all cells from all wild-type embryos. Tissue sections further away from the microscopy objective have higher z-values. Successful detection of RNAs does not systematically depend on z-position in microscopy images. The data is first grouped according to z-position with 2μm bin size. Then, a moving average is calculated by using 3 bins. The centered moving average is plotted in the graph. (G) The angle between the clock expression stripes and the AP axis increases incrementally in the posterioanterior direction (away from the tail end of the embryos). The angle data from wild-type embryos is shown here. A linear function (𝑦 = 0.039 ∗ x + 44.23) fits to the data (R2 = 0.14).