Fig. 3-S2
Fluorescent activated cell sorting of NF-kB:GFPhigh and NF-kB:GFPlow beta-cells.
(a) Confocal image of dissociated cells from dissected islets of 3 mpf Tg(ins:nlsRenilla-mKO2) animals that were labeled with TSQ (Zn2+ labeling dye). Islets were incubated with TSQ after dissociation and imaged using a confocal microscope. Beta-cells show RFP expression (red) while cells rich in Zn2+ are labeled with TSQ (cyan). TSQ strongly labels all beta-cells and weakly labels some unknown endocrine cells. (b) Fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) of live TSQ-positive GFPhigh and GFPlow cells from Tg(NF-kB:GFP) animals at 3 mpf and 1 ypf. Dead cells were labelled using far-red stain DRAQ7.