Fig. 5
Long-term whole-organ single-cell tracking reveals cell-clone formation during neuromast regeneration.
(A) Still images showing a representative 100 hr time-lapse recording of a regenerating neuromast in Tg[Clndb:lynGFP; SqGw57A; Alpl:mCherry] larva (left and middle panels). Cellular clones that share a common founder cell are clustered and color-coded. Cell trajectories reveal a concentric growth pattern (right panel). (B) Cell trackings at the last recorded timepoints for 10 out of the total of 15 regenerated neuromasts. (C) Cell-lineage tracing from time-lapse movie shown in (A). Branching points symbolize cell divisions. The division of a founder cell generates two cells of the 1 st generation. Subsequent divisions produce cells of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation. Cell classes are indicated with green (sustentacular), blue (hair) and red (mantle) colors. (D) Sustentacular founder cells undergo significantly more (p=3.59e-06, Mann-Whitney test) division rounds than mantle founder cells during 100 hr of neuromast regeneration. (E) The first division of sustentacular founder cells (n = 76) occurs significantly earlier (p=1.13e-5, Mann-Whitney test) than that of mantle founder cells (n = 16). (F) Sustentacular founder cells (n = 76) generate all three neuromast cell classes whereas mantle founder cells (n = 30) produce only mantle cells. (G) Out of 307 sustentacular cell divisions, 78% were self-renewing, 16% produced a pair of hair cells, 3% produced sustentacular cells that both became mantle cells within the next generation and 3% generated two sustentacular cells of which only one transited to mantle cell fate within the next generation. All 20 observed mantle cell divisions were self-renewing.