Fig. S1
Otic vesicle and lateral line hair cell analysis, Related to Figure 1 (A) Boxplot showing startle sensitivity index after ablation of lateral line neuromasts with 40 μM neomycin. Sibling larvae are unaffected (n = 32 control, 27 neomycin), as are p400 (n=22 con, 16 neo), p402 (n=68 con, 68 neo), and p403 (n=10 con, 9 neo) mutants. p401 (n=22 con, 21 neo; *p=0.0320, Mann-Whitney) and p404-6 (n=23 con, 40 neo; *p=0.0333, Mann-Whitney) mutants’ sensitivity is partially rescued by lateral line ablation. (B) Neuromast counts in siblings and mutants, based on DASPEI labeling. All larvae treated with 40 uM neomycin are grouped, with only a few individuals having intact neuromasts after treatment. (C) Images of DASPEI labeling of neuromasts in control and neomycintreated triggerhappyp400 mutants. (D) Top, representative DIC images of otic vesicle showing the positions of the anterior, medial, and posterior hair cell bundles (asterisks). Bottom, magnification showing intact hair cell stereocilia. All mutants and siblings displayed similar morphology.