Fig. 1
Expression levels of myocardium-related genes and cardiomyocyte proteins in wild-type embryos and tbx5 morphants. The MO group had significantly decreased expression of myocardium-related genes (mef2c, ndrg4, cx43) during the embryonic development stages (24 hpf (a), 30 hpf (b), and 48 hpf (c)) compared with the WT group. Zebrafish embryos at 30 hpf were stained with the myosin heavy chain antibody MF20 (green), connexin-43 antibody Cx43 (green), myocyte enhancer factor-2 antibody MEF2 (green) and counterstained with DAPI (blue) for nucleus identification. The MO group had decreased expression of MF20 (d), Cx43 (e), and MEF2 (f) compared to the WT group. Data are presented as the means ± standard deviations. *P < 0.05 vs. WT. WT, wild-type embryos; MO, tbx5 morphants. Hpf: hours post-fertilization. The number of specimens was 50, and the number of independent experiments was 3 in each group