Fig. S3

Figures for Vopalensky et al., 2018
Figure Caption

Fig. S3

Oep overexpression prolongs the window of induction of Nodal target genes bhik and gsc in prospective ectoderm.

A) Injection of 50pg oep mRNA at the 1-cell stage extends the expression level of oep to late gastrulation stages (compare to Fig. 3A). (B,C) Both bhik (B) and gsc (C) show the same induction response as ntl. At 75% epiboly, both genes can be ectopically induced by Activin A injection but not by rhNodal injection into egfp mRNA-injected embryos. When oep is overexpressed, rhNodal injection also results in ectopic expression of target genes. The number of embryos with the indicated expression pattern per total number of embryos examined in one biological replicate is shown. Scale bar 250 μm.

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