Fig. 2

Figures for Emerson et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

plxnA1a expression in the developing zebrafish.

Brightfield images of zebrafish embryos processed for in situ hybridization. (A-F) Whole-mount lateral, (A?-F?) whole-mount dorsal. Brightfield sections (A??-F??) forebrain, (A???-F???) midbrain and (C????-F????) hindbrain. Embryos were imaged at different developmental time points. (A-A???) 18 hpf, (B-B???) 24 hpf, (C-C????) 36 hpf, (D-D????) 48 hpf, (E-E????) 60 hpf, and (F-F????) 72 hpf. Lines in (A-F) indicate locations of the sections shown at that time-point. Inset shows sense probe control. Hpf-hours post fertilization, OpV- optic vesicles, FBr-forebrain, V- ventricle, NR-neural retina, L-lens, TeO- optic tectum, OV- otic vesicle, CMZ-cilliary marginal zone, lTeO- lateral optic tectum, MO- medulla oblongata, IPL-inner plexiform layer, RGC- retinal ganglion cell layer, FB- fin bud.

Figure Data
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Reprinted from Gene expression patterns : GEP, 27, Emerson, S.E., Light, S.E., Ebert, A.M., Neuronal expression patterns of the PlexinA family during zebrafish development, 56-66, Copyright (2017) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Gene Expr. Patterns