Fig. 6
Optical sectioning and examination of Huh7-GFP xenografted larvae. Larvae (ache+/? and ache−/−) injected with Huh7-GFP cells were stained with GFP primary antibody and Cy3 tagged secondary antibody, and counterstained with DAPI and examined histologically by optical sectioning using a Zeiss LSM 880 confocal microscope. (a–f) At 20× magnification, z-stacks at 10 micron intervals were obtained and consecutive images were Z-projected to obtain these 2D images by maximum intensity projection in ImageJ. Tumor masses can be clearly seen in both images in red. (a’–f’) Same larvae were counterstained with DAPI for marking nuclei. (a”–f”) Merged images were presented. In the fish body schematic, the letters are abbreviations for A: anterior, P: posterior, D: dorsal, V: ventral.