Fig. 6
Rab8-particles display dynamic movement patterns and transiently approach the BB (A-B) Time-lapse imaging of a 5 dpf wt zebrafish retina expressing Rab8ba in rods (tg(rhod:mCherry-rab8ba)). The Rab8 particle marked with an arrow in all time frames can be recognized and followed by the Ilastik tracking software (cyan overlay) (A’-B’). This particle transiently approaches the GFP-tagged basal body (C and merge in D). The movement is specific for Rab8 as transiently expressed Rab3aa in rods (rhod:mCherry-rab3aa) (E-F’) exhibits the expected synaptic localization (F’). Scale bars are 10 μm in all images. OS outer segment, IS inner segment, Syn Synapse.