Fig. 6

Figures for Hsu et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. 6

miR-27b depletion results in enhancement of bC27bSPs larval growth and adipocyte formation. (A) Representative images of bC7aSPs and WT larvae fed a HFD and (B) fed a LFD, 40× magnification, scale bars: 200 µm. (C) Average body weights of bC27bSPs and WT larvae fed a LFD or HFD (n = 40–50 for each groups). * p < 0.01, and ** p < 0.005. (D) Average body lengths of bC27bSPs and WT larvae fed a LFD or HFD (n = 40–50 for each groups). * p < 0.01, and ** p < 0.005. (E) ORO-stained visceral adipocytes in bC27bSPs when compared to WT controls at 24 dpf. Visceral adipocytes are circled. 110× magnification, scale bars: 200 µm. (F) The percentage of bC27bSPs and WT larvae containing hyperplasia of visceral adipocytes (n = 40–50 for each groups). * p < 0.01, and ** p < 0.005.

Figure Data
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