Fig. S2
Zebrafish cyp21a2 mutants have an impaired Visual Background Adaption (VBA) phenotype
A) Lateral (upper panel) and dorsal (lower panel) view images of 120 hpf larvae from a cyp21a2uob2122/+ in-cross. Overall morphology is comparable, but, unlike VBA+ larvae, VBA- larvae fail to aggregate the melanosomes in their melanophores when exposed to bright light; compare melanophores (arrows) between VBA+ and VBA- larva. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. B) Genotyping of cyp21a2uob2122 and cyp21a2uob2123 larvae after VBA assay. The VBA+ larvae are always wild types or heterozygotes. The VBA- larvae are almost always homozygous mutants.