Fig. S8

Figures for Silva et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. S8

Exogenous supply of MCT8 mRNA recovered the expression of genes affected by MCT8 MO to control levels in 25hpf zebrafish. WISH expression analysis of neural genes in control, MCT8 morphant and coinjection of MCT8 mRNA and MCT8 morpholino. (A) WISH expression analysis of neural progenitor marker pax6a in control. Lateral images of the hindbrain and spinal cord of analysed embryos are presented. (B) WISH expression analysis of neural progenitor factor neurod6b. Lateral (upper panel) and dorsal images (lower panel) of the brain of analysed embryos are presented. (C) WISH expression analysis of retinoic orphan receptor ab (rorab). Lateral images of the brain of analysed embryos are presented. (D) WISH analysis of expression of inhibitory neuron marker gad1b. Lateral images of the brain and spinal cord are presented. In all images scale bars represent 100μm.

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