Fig. S5
Cre activity from injected creER mRNA appears to be lost by 4 days. Tg(actb2:loxP-DsRed-loxP-EGFP) embryos were injected with creER mRNA at the 1-4 cellstage. Embryos and larvae were then subjected to an overnight treatment with 4-OHT at 10 hpf (A-D), 2 dpf (E-H), or 4 dpf (I-L). Images were acquired 48 hours after the 4-OHT pulse. Cre activity was detectable by EGFP expression (green). DsRed expression (red) persisted in cells with no Cre activity. All images are maximum intensity projections of 200-350 μm thick confocal stacks and are shown in lateral views, dorsal to the left, anterior up. 6-10 animals were examined for each experimental condition.