Fig. 2
Cardiomyocyte proliferation does not mediate FATC reporter expression. a Schematic illustration of the ubb:NATC construct and Cre recombination products. b Schematic illustration of the cellular events that could occur in the experiment shown in c. c NTR-mCherry+ (red) cardiomyocytes (H2B-GFP+, green) were observed in Tg(ubb:NATC);Tg(myl7:creER);Tg(myl7:H2B-GFP) larvae following MTZ-mediated cell ablation, 7 days after transient CreER activation by 4-OHT treatment at 24 hpf. All images show the same heart. d NTR-mCherry expression does not succeed cardiomyocyte DNA synthesis. The 6 h EdU pulse-labeled cells undergoing DNA synthesis (green) in 54 hpf Tg(ubb:NATC);Tg(myl7:creER) embryos. Two hours prior to EdU removal, Cre activity was induced by an 18 h 4-OHT treatment. mCerulean (blue) and NTR-mCherry (red) expression was visualized by immunostaining. No EdU+NTR-mCherry+ cardiomyocytes were detectable in 20 hearts imaged. c, d Maximum intensity projections of 40–60 μm thick confocal stacks. Representative images from a total of 12 (c) and 20 (d) animals are shown. Scale bars: 10 μm (c), 20 μm (d)