Fig. S7
P53 co-mutation increases the incidence of tumor development in double mutant fish, but does not rescue their fertility or size. (A) Male and female p53-/- rad51-/- fish at 4 mpf. (B) H&E stained histological sections of 4 mpf p53-/- and p53-/- rad51-/- ovaries using a 10X objective. Oocytes of different maturation stages are apparent in both genotypes. Scale bar=100μm. (C) H&E stained histological sections of 4 mpf p53-/- and p53-/- rad51-/- testes using a 20X objective. Arrows indicate normal location of mature spermatozoa Scale bar=100μm. (D) Quantification of the size of wild type and p53-/- rad51-/- fish at 4 mpf. Twotailed Student’s t-test, P=.008, np53+/+ rad51+/+=27, np53-/- rad51-/-=9. (E) 5-month-old p53-/- rad51-/- fish with tumor behind the eye (top). Accompanying H&E stained histological sections of the tumor (bottom) using 2.5 and 63X objectives. Scale bar=500 μm and 10 μm respectively. (F) (i) and (ii) Tumors observed in 8 mpf female p53-/- rad51-/- fish in the body cavity around the ovarian tissue. Scale bar=500 μm and 10 μm respectively. Overall, 3/9 aged double mutants showed tumors.