Fig. S6
MiR-142a-3p inhibits p53 through the putative target sites in luciferase reporter assay and GFP reporter assay in vivo.
(a) Luciferase reporter assay showed that there was a suppression of the luciferase activity in wild-type but not mutated p53 by miR-142-3p duplex in a dose dependent manner in zebrafish embryos (meanĀ±SD, n=3, *P<0.05, ns stands for no significance). (b) The scheme of the reporter constructs of partial p53 coding region containing the miR-142a binding site and GFP reporter. GFP mRNA fused with the recognition site of p53 was co-injected with miR-142-3p negative control and duplex into one-cell stage embryos. GFP reporter assay showed that there was a suppression of the luciferase activity in wild-type but not mutated p53 by miR-142-3p duplex in zebrafish embryos.