Fig. 9
Masterblind mutants possess more MTN neurons, but do not show a posterior displacement of MTN neurons. Lateral views of 24 hpf embryos processed by in situ hybridization to reveal elevated axin2 expression in midbrain (bracket) of masterblind mutants (mbl, B), relative to wildtype siblings (sibs, A). Box plot of the number of MTN neurons (C) or MTN-isthmus distance (scaled by midbrain size, D) in 24 hpf mbl mutants and sibs (n = 10 for each condition). There is a strong effect by mbl on MTN number (p = 2.8 × 10−4) but not on MTN-isthmus distance (p = 0.064). Dot plot of MTN number against MTN-isthmus distance (scaled) for mbl mutants and sibs (E). A line of best fit reveals no correlation between MTN neuron number and distance (R = 0.19, n = 10 for each condition). Isthmus (i). Scale bars: 100µM (A,B).