Fig. 4
Over-expression of ELMO1 rescues the renal structural and functional phenotype caused due to hyperglycaemia.
As compared to the zebrafish pronephros at 48 hpf in control morphants, Co. Mo., (A) hyperglycaemic PDX1 morphants, PDX1 Mo. (4 ng), (B) display an enlarged glomerulus (white arrow head) and a highly shortened pronephric neck (white asterix). (C) Overexpression of ELMO1 has no detrimental effects on the zebrafish pronephros, however, (D) overexpression of ELMO1 in PDX1 morphants significantly rescues pronephric phenotype. (E,F) The altered structure in PDX1 morphants and their subsequent rescue with ELMO1 overexpression is quantified in n = 40 embryos, for each condition. (G) Displays the quantified elevated loss of fluorescence in PDX1 morphants (n = 23) and the significant increase in fluorescence within hyperglycaemic fish upon ELMO1 overexpression (Double Co. Mo. and mRNA, n = 23; ELMO1 mRNA, n = 23; and PDX1 Mo. with ELMO1 mRNA, n = 23).