Fig. S2
Localization of NDRG1a-1, NDRG1a-2 and NDRG1b proteins in zebrafish retina. Retinal sections were immunoprobed with anti-NDRG1a-1, anti-NDRG1a-2, anti-NDRG1a#, or anti-NDRG1b antiserum (leftmost panel in each of a - d). In (a) - (d), control measurement was made with each antiserum pre-adsorbed by each corresponding NDRG1a family protein (second left panels in a - d). The area surrounded by a dotted rectangular was magnified and is shown in the right two panels in (a) - (d). Arrows in (b) indicate the thin cone process detected by anti-NDRG1a-2 antiserum. Thick vertical white bars in (c) indicate the immunostaining of NDRG1a-1 in the plasma membranes surrounding the rod nucleus (see text). Arrows in (d) indicate NDRG1b positive cells in the inner nuclear layer. RPE, retinal pigment epithelium; PRCL, photoreceptor cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer. Scale bars indicate 20 ?m throughout this figure.