Fig. 2

Figures for Luo et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

Knockdown of syn4 expression up-regulated the expression of nestin.

(A?C) Expression of nestin at 24?hpf, lateral view. (D?F) Expression of nestin at 48?hpf, lateral view. (E?E?) Nestin transcript level was increased significantly in syn4 morphants, dorsal view. (F?F?) The defective phenotypes were rescued by co-injecting syn4 mRNA. (G) sqRT-PCR showed the similar results. (H) Densitometric quantification of sqRT-PCR. The relative nestin expressing level is significantly higher in syn4 morphants (mean?±?s.e.m, n?=?3, ***P?<?0.001, **P?<?0.01, *P?<?0.05, ns?=?not significant, Student?s unpaired t-test). ALLG: anterior lateral line ganglion, FV: ventricular zone in forebrain, Hb: hindbrain, OG: octaval ganglion, sc: spinal cord, VMP: ventral motoneuron precursors.

Figure Data
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