Fig. S6
INCs do not express Sox2 protein. tg(et20:GFP) transgenic larvae at 4, 5, and 6 dpf were fixed and immunolabeled with the anti-Sox2 antibody, revealed with red fluorescence. The top row (A, D, G) shows both GFP signal and Sox2 immunostain; middle row (B, E, H), Sox 2 expression; and bottom row (C, F, I), GFP label. Transgene-driven GFP expression is seen in INCs and in mantle cells of neuromasts. Sox2 expression is only detected in neuromasts, in progenitor cells that underlie hair cells, and in mantle cells (see [33]). At these stages, both primary (L1, L2, etc.) and secondary (LII.1, LII.2, etc.) neuromasts are present and the advancing PrimII (also expressing Sox2) can be seen. (TIF 5802 kb)