Fig. 6
Wild type neural crest can contribute to jaw cartilage in mutant host. a Schematic diagram of the transplantation approach. Wild type sox10:EGFP transgenic donor cells are transplanted to the animal pole of wild type or mutant host embryos at 4 hpf. b to e At 24 hpf, donor-derived neural crest migration to the oral ectoderm is evident regardless of host genotype. Lateral views with anterior to the top. f to i At 72 hpf, donor-derived neural crest persistence and differentiation to cartilage is evident regardless of host genotype. Ventral views with anterior to the top. j to m At 72 hpf, cartilage staining reveals wild type donor-derived cells partially rescuing anterior neurocranium defects in med14 and med14; brg1 double mutant embryos. g and k represent images from the same embryo. Red arrowheads indicate cartilage derived from wild type donor cells; black arrowheads indicate host cell-derived cartilage. Dorsal views with anterior to the top. Scale bars, 100 um