Fig. 2

Figures for Matsui et al., 2014
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

Identification of the rubro-spinal tract in zebrafish DiI tracing from the hindbrain-spinal cord junction. (A) The schematic drawing in the upper left corner illustrates the origin of motor-neurons innervating pectoral fin muscles in fish (red) and forelimb muscles in tetrapods (blue).13 (B) Red and blue arrows indicate the injection site of DiI respectively. Application of DiI into the hindbrain-spinal cord junction of transgenic Tg(tagRFP-T:PC:WGA) zebrafish labeled a contralateral neuronal nucleus containing WGA demonstrating its identity as an efferent structure of Purkinje cells (white arrow). The arrowhead points to the adjacent nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, asterisks: habenulo-interpeduncular tract. In contrast application of DiI into the upper spinal cord did not label the same WGA-positive structure. n = 5 for each injection site.

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