Fig. 4 S1
CAPE disrupts iridophore development less dramatically than melanocyte development.
Embryos were treated with the indicated concentration of CAPE at 2 ss either continuously (5 μM) or until 48 hpf (7.5 μM washout) to reduce toxicity. (A) Pigment cell phenotypes at 3 dpf. (B) Iridophore counts at 3 dpf. Iridophores were counted from the yolk sac extension to the end of the tail. Iridophore number is slightly reduced by CAPE. Error bars represent standard deviation of 10 embryos from a single clutch. (C) Fraction of dorsal iridophores is slightly increased by CAPE. *p<0.05, **p<0.005, ***p<0.0005, unpaired t-test.