Fig. 10
FoxO3a regulates MuRF1 expression in the heart.
(A) FoxO3a is predominantly localized in the cytoplasm of 2-day-old wild type cardiomyocytes, but is concentrated in the nuclei of tre cardiomyocytes. FoxO3a is pseudo colored in red and nuclei are labeled by DAPI in blue. Scale bar: 10 μm. (B) In situ hybridization showing stronger MuRF1 signals in tre mutant and CA-foxo3a injected two dpf hearts compared to wild type siblings. Murf1a expression in tre hearts is suppressed by DN-foxo overexpression or FK506 treatment. (C) Immunostaining of α-actinin in three dpf hearts. Intact sarcomeres were detected in control (uninjected) and DN-foxo3a injected tre hearts whereas disassembled sarcomeres were observed in tre and CA-foxo3a injected hearts. Scale bar: 5 μm. (D) Model for Ca2+ overload-induced myofibril disarray. Calcineurin dephosphorylates FoxO leading to FoxO nuclear translocation, MuRF1 expression and sarcomere disassembly.