Fig. 4
Cyclopamine treatment reduces frequency and severity of coloboma in zic2 mutants. A: normal retinal morphology; B: retina with mild coloboma; C: retina with moderate coloboma. D: Embryos were derived from zic2agbt133/+; zic2b t104 parental crosses and exposed to 3 or 4.5 ?M cyclopamine (CyA) from 3 to 5 hpf until 24?26 hpf. In CyA-treated groups (3 expts; Fig. S3A), the proportion of embryos with coloboma was reduced significantly compared to vehicle-treated control siblings (Fisher?s Exact test, P < 0.001). Proportion of severely affected embryos among all embryos with coloboma was also decreased in CyA-treated siblings (Fisher Exact test, p < 0.02). E: Embryos were derived from zic2agbt133/+; zic2b uw1116 parents, and treated starting at 3 hpf with 4.5 ?M Cya. CyA-treated groups exhibited reduction in coloboma penetrance (Fisher?s Exact test p < 0.04) compared to vehicle-treated control siblings (2 expts; Fig. S3B). F: Embryos were derived from zic2agbt133/+; zic2b uw1116/+ parents, and treated as in D with 4.5 ?M CyA or vehicle starting at 3 hpf. Proportion of embryos with coloboma was not affected by exposure to cyclopamine (2 expts). Embryos with unilateral mild coloboma were scored as ?mild?; embryos with bilateral mild coloboma were scored as ?moderate?, and embryos with bilateral moderate coloboma were scored as ?severe?.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 429(1), Sedykh, I., Yoon, B., Roberson, L., Moskvin, O., Dewey, C.N., Grinblat, Y., Zebrafish zic2 controls formation of periocular neural crest and choroid fissure morphogenesis, 92-104, Copyright (2017) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.