Fig. 6
Cell autonomous and cell-nonautonomous kif5B effects.
A) Cartoon depicts the experimental design. B-F) Confocal images of sectioned palatoquadrate cartilage at 3 dpf. WT cells (GFP+) transplanted to Wt embryos integrate and secrete matrix (B). Single Wt cells (GFP+) in kif5Blof elongate, secrete and stack (arrows in C), and the nucleus is centrally positioned compared to mutants (arrowhead in C). Several Wt cells (GFP+) rescue cell stacking in nearby mutant neighbors (arrows in D). Rescue correlates with strong WGA expression along the cartilage border (arrowheads in D). Defects of single kif5Blof cells (GFP+) persist in Wt hosts (E) including secretion (arrows in E) and nuclear position (arrowhead in E), although the cells partially elongate. Groups of kif5Blof cells (GFP+) in Wt hosts (F) did not stack or elongate and had secretion deficits. Cells are extruded from the cartilage (arrows in F). Successful transplants: Wt to Wt: 13; Wt to kif5Baae12/ae12kif5Bb+/+: 2; Wt to kif5Baae12/ae12kif5Bbae24/+: 8; Wt to kif5Baae12/ae12kif5Bbae24/ae24: 2; kif5Baae12/ae12kif5Bb+/+ to Wt: 6; kif5Baae12/ae12kif5Bbae24/+ to Wt: 3; kif5Baae12/ae12kif5Bbae24/ae24 to Wt: 0. In the figure, the numbers indicate transplants with similar scenarios for each genotype. Scale bar: 20?m.